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BannerInternet Archive Book Images. Image from page 440 of 'Bell telephone magazine' (1922). Identifier: belltelephone6667mag00amerrich.

About museum-digital

Museum-digital is an initiative of museums. The initiative was founded in 2009. It was created to develop a process as simple as possible for publishing information on museums and their objects online. Starting with six participating museums in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, there are now over 600, mainly in Germany and Hungary. The simple publication has been extended with additional forms of presentation, but a strong focus on a good inventory has become a central feature of museum-digital. At museum-digital, we work together to develop software aimed at making inventorization and digital publishing easy but high quality.

Where Do We Come From - and Where Will We Go?

In mid 2009, the AG Digitization of the State Museum Association gathered and founded museum-digital. It was May 2009, and the recently founded working group soon spread to research how long it takes to digitize an object. The data thus gathered provided the fodder for an initial writing of the frontend for museum-digital.

museum-digital is always open for people to join. The development takes place as it is needed. Where ever there may be museums that join hands to use museum-digital, be it for publishing, inventory or both, they can do so. If needed, a new instance will be created or we can consider other ways of cooperation. Since we develop alongside the always changing needs of the community, there is no clear-cut roadmap for museum-digital in the time ahead.

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Automatically enforcing consistent naming of places Importing actors One Million Objects Published Using museum-digital Quality Assessments Like in musdb: Now For Everybody EODEM Version 1.0 released